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Supreme Martial Arts ...........


                              SIMPLY THE BEST!


                                         Register Now and Enjoy Better Health ..... Mentally and Physically.   

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Your Mastery Experience begins with 2 fun and exciting training sessions. 30 Minutes each, your Instructors will guide you into Flexibility, Strength, Balance, Coordination, Breath, and Power!  We are a Mastery School and will show you the Martial Science of Positive Self Awareness Psychology. 



Monday - Thursday 6:30 PM

Saturday 11:15 AM


Give your child the gift of Mastery Today.  2 sessions (30 Min.) to Lay the Foundation for Better Health, Discipline, Concentration, Focus, Strength, Listenin, Respect and more.  You and your child will see results immediately.  Tools to increase confidence and create a positive self image for Mastery of Mind and Body.  Supreme Martial Arts is the ultimate Bully Repellent.



Monday & Wednesday 5:45-6:15PM

Tuesday & Thursday 5PM - 5:45PM

Saturday 10AM

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Register right now!  Click on any of the course descriptions and secure your spot in the class.  It's just that easy.  We will start where you are and guide you.  You don't have to be fit or in shape.  Let us guide you and show you the path to achieve all of your goals and Aspirations.



A unique Martial Art specializing in using an attacker's energy and directing and redirecting it back to them in order to throw, pin, and control the encounter. Wanomichi practitioners actively preserve the teachings of the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba.





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Karate Belt

Supreme Martial Arts..........                 SIMPLY THE BEST!

There are No Accidents.....You are Here for a Reason

Join us for a journey into Self Mastery!  Give yourself and your family the gift of Focus, Imagination, Gratitude, Humility, and Truth through the Karate Martial Science of Positive Self Image Psychology for Mastery of Self. 


Jamel W. Jones

My Why Was Greater Than My Doubts



I was watching the movie, “Taken," on the couch with my wife who was 8 months pregnant with our first child who just happened to be a daughter.  At that moment, I said, “I need to find a martial arts class and learn a few moves.”  I was a skinny 33 year old who couldn’t do one push up when I started class!  That’s when self-doubt swiftly entered, “You’re too old!” “You’re too weak!”  “You’re too out of shape!”  The list just goes on and on.  That was more than enough too quit, but I just kept thinking about my daughter being “Taken", and couldn’t quit.



Confidence In All Areas Of My Life



In less than a year’s time, I went from not being able to do one push up to breaking a brick with my bare hand!  Breaking that brick made me feel like I could do anything!  Anything like, change careers from a bored unhappy tax accountant to an excited and fulfilled commodities trader!  The self-confidence developed in the dojo has permeated throughout various areas of my life!



Champion’s Mindset



An interesting point is that most of us have huge dreams as children, but as we become adults and find ourselves inadvertently surrounded by average people, we begin to lower our standards and get comfortable with being far less than we are capable of being.  This is exactly what makes the experience training with a Two Time World Champion, Martial Arts Hall of Famer PRICELESS!  Champions think different and influence everyone around them to think different.  While I saw the limitations in myself, Master Ray, not only saw the champion in me, he got me to see the champion in myself. 



Surviving A Surprise Attack From An Unlikely Enemy



One afternoon while leaving my home, I heard noises but didn’t see anyone.  Then out of nowhere a pit bull came charging at me full speed and he was less than 5 feet away from me!  I had no time to think or anything!  My training automatically kicked in and it was the movement that I learned in Karate class that allowed be to leave that attack untouched!  I didn’t think I had it in me!



Life Saver



After the total transformation that I’ve experienced as a result of my time here at Supreme Martial Arts and Fitness, I insisted that both my wife and daughter participate as well.  My wife chose the Aikido class and my daughter takes Karate with me.  Well, when my wife was about 6 months pregnant with our second child, she slipped on a wet spot in the grocery store and fell down!  That could have been catastrophic, but her Aikido training which consists of a lot of falling, most likely saved my unborn son’s life!



One Of The Best Decisions Of My Life



I can go on forever about the ways that the good folks at World Karate Do have helped to transform my life!  I’ll just end by saying that Master Ray has easily done 100 times more than I’ve actually paid him to do.  The benefits of my training far exceed the costs!  The saying goes, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears!”


The saying never mentioned how awesome the teacher would be!  Training at Supreme Martial Arts and Fitness is easily one of the best decisions of my entire life!



About The Movie “Taken”



My daughter has been training since her second birthday!  At the age of four, we signed her up for the dojo’s travelling tournament team!  By the time she’s reaches the young lady’s age who starred in “Taken", she should be at least a second degree black belt.  I have total confidence that nobody will be taking her anywhere against her will!  That fact alone is well worth the price of admission!



1207 N Smithfield Rd, Knightdale, NC 27545, USA

(919) 266-1290

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(919) 266-1290

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